Important Tools

list of important tools for user for day to day work

Online Calculators

A variety of calculators to calculate age, income tax, sukanya yojna, emi etc.

Math Calculator

Scientific Calculator

Age Calculator

Loan EMI Calculator

Income Tax Calculator

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator

Government Job Luck Calculator

EPF calculator Online

Rajasthan Government calendar

Text Analysis Tools

A complete set of text tools is now at your fingertips. Check plagiarism, rewrite an article, run a spell checker, count words or change text case.

Word Counter

MD5 Generator

Uppercase To Lowercase

Reverse Text Generator

Online Converters

Different converter tools are available in one place.

QR code Generator

Proxy Tools

Use proxy tools to know your IP location or to get a free daily proxy list

What is My IPIP Location

Password Management Tools

Create a secure password, check password strength or encrypt a password; all tools related to password management are readily available.

Password Encryption Utility

Password Strength Checker

Password Generator

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