Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator is a free online tool to calculate percentages.

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Our platform is designed to help you quickly and effortlessly calculate percentages for a variety of situations. Whether you're dealing with discount calculations, tip estimations, or assessing changes in value, our percentage calculator is here to streamline the process and make it easy for you.


What is a percentage?

Percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. It is commonly used to represent a portion of a whole or to compare two numbers. Percentages are often denoted with the symbol "%". For example, if there are 100 cars in a garage and 25 of them are white, we could say that 25% of the cars in the garage are white.

How do you calculate a percentage?

Percentages serve as a means of expressing a number relative to 100. This method is commonly employed to depict a portion of a whole or to compare two different numbers. Percentages are typically indicated by the symbol "%." For instance, if a garage houses 100 cars, and 25 of them are white, we can express that 25% of the cars in the garage are white.

Why percentages matter?

Percentages find applications in a diverse range of situations, encompassing the computation of discounts and taxes, assessing fluctuations in stock prices, and gauging economic indicators. Proficiency in understanding how percentages function empowers you to make informed decisions across various domains, ranging from personal finance to effective business management..